Saturday, November 8, 2008

The best day of our lives…

About a week before our scheduled C-section, our friend Steve Rosen asked if we were planning on having his wife Jodi, an amazing photographer, take photos of Finn’s birth.  We reminded him that we were having a C-section, which we didn’t figure would make for good pictures.  He responded by sending us a recent photo slideshow that Jodi had compiled for another couple who had had a C-section… and when we both ended up teary-eyed for a couple we didn’t even know, we decided to give it a shot.

2008 Oct Finn Walker-150What Jodi pulled together through nearly 400 pictures and an immense amount of love is nothing short of breathtaking and beautiful.  I’m sure there will come a day when I can watch this slideshow without crying, but it isn’t any day soon.  

We are so grateful to Jodi for sharing her gift with us, and for her 2008 Oct Finn Walker-189 loving and lovely chronicle of this incredible day in our lives.  I am especially grateful, since I was a bit out of it during the surgery due to some issues with my spinal, and had to remain flat on my back for Finn’s first hour of life.  Through these pictures I was able to experience moments in my son’s life that would have otherwise been lost to me, and which I am so thankful to have now.

A few things to watch for:

  • the look on my face when we are talking with the anesthesiologist about my spinal (terror)
  • my loving husband, whose outfit looked like a combination of Haz-Mat and a French painter, and who was the rock I needed that day
  • our OB’s scrub cap – yes, it is Spongebob Squarepants

As Israel Kamakawiwo Ole sings so beautifully in his version of “Somewhere over the Rainbow” at the end of the slideshow, dreams really do come true.

So grab some Kleenex, turn up the volume on your computer and click HERE to watch the debut of Finn Michael into our lives.

(by the way, you’ll need to install some software to view the show – it is all perfectly safe, so just keep clicking “yes” and “allow.”  All you Mac users are unfortunately out of luck – better go find a friend with a PC!)

If you live in the Seattle or Portland area, think of Jodi the next time you’ve got the need for family pictures, birth pics or any other special occasion.  Her site is, and as you’ll see from these pictures, she is outrageously talented.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Loved the video! It was a tear-jerker!

Aunt Phyllis

PS: sent a comment earlier but don't think it posted. If it did, please disregard this second one.

Anonymous said...

Hi again...a package is on it's way for Finn. It was mailed today so be on the lookout for it. The one little book was purchased in Holland and is a popular story told in The Netherlands.

Anonymous said...

Oops...forgot to sign off on the last comment.

Aunt Phyllis

Unknown said...

Cindy and Brian, What a precious little man you have in your lives! I loved the video and you're right, kleenex is essential. I am so happy for you, my dear. You have come full circle. I hope to hold little Finn one day. Love you and bless you all three.