Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Huntin’ Wascally Eggs

Although this is technically Finn’s second Easter, this is really the first one where he’s been old enough to really do any of the silly egg stuff.   And unfortunately we still haven’t landed on a church yet, so right now Easter is just silly egg stuff instead of silly egg stuff + the Resurrection of our Savior.  One thing at a time, I guess.

Being an active little bunny himself, he was, of course, totally into the idea of discovering the eggs.  We “hid” six big bright eggs in plain sight in a few spots around the house, and had fun following him around to capture the moment he found his little treasures.  He didn’t even really care what was inside of them, only that he found them!

IMG_4388our little hunter, with his personalized bunny basket 

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investigating his findings


ollie, of course, wants to “help” 


look what i found! 


Sunday, April 4, 2010

School Pictures

Apparently, Finn’s school had school pictures sometime ago.  Being the super observant mom that I am, I didn’t even know it was happening.  Since we had pro pictures done at 1yr, and plan on getting family pics every year around his birthday, school pictures just didn’t hit my radar.

So last week while I was in San Francisco, BW picked up Finn’s pictures.  Honestly, they couldn’t be funnier.  Between his horrible outfit (as I mentioned, I did not realize it was school picture day) in clothes that were too small, the fact he needed a haircut REAL BAD, the absolutely murderous expression on his face and the single tear making its way down his cheek, I couldn’t have posed this better  myself.

1st School photo

We came up with a dozen different scenarios that led to this picture:  Perhaps they had to end outside playtime early to take the picture?  Or maybe they tried to *gasp* COMB HIS HAIR.  Or maybe, in a truly offensive move they dared wrench a goldfish or graham cracker out of his pudgy little hand before insisting he sit STILL on a little box in front of a fake background.

Whatever the scenario, it has started what I’m sure will be a collection of school pictures that can (and will) be used for girlfriend blackmail sometime in junior high.

Here’s the class pic.  Finn does not look any more pleased with this scenario.

1st Class Photo