Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Week of Finn

Ah what a week it was! Finn has been his own entity on this planet now for 6+ days and continues to confuse, entertain, sleep deprive, sleep on, poop on, drool on…and melt the hearts of his parents. We love the guy and yeah we are tired and befuddled at his antics at times but cannot believe he is a wee little us. We are sure he must be getting a complex as we just sit there and stare all the time. Amazing how entertaining a sleeping baby is to two new parents.

More glamour shots of the last couple of days…

So cute it's scary

Finn’s shirt actually says “So Cute it’s Scary” with a little ghost on it. We think so. He wore this in his first day out as he had 2 Dr. appointments.

glam for the cam

I have a more “serious” version of this shot but this is better because the looks on both Cindy and Finn’s faces pretty much sum up what they have experienced our first week together. :)


Ollie has been nearby all the time. Here he chooses a nap spot particular close to the action.

Where is Mr. Kitty you may ask? Well as I have been entering this she just coughed up a hairball but I figure a picture is not necessary. Google it if you need a visual (not recommended).

Brian goes back to work Wednesday (tomorrow) and that is just about horrible. But such is life…we have mouths to feed and family vacations that need funding. Kauai in January here we come!


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